A Message from Stabil-Loc Founder Steven Patton
For 100 years, the foundation repair industry has struggled with the concept of “concentric loading” versus “eccentric loading”. It has been difficult to install a pier under a house, because the house was always in the way. Attaching a bracket to the outer edge of the foundation footing and driving a pier off the bracket caused severe off-set loads, which dramatically decreased the long-term durability and reliability of the system.
If you want your piering system to be a permanent solution, you must do three things:
You MUST position and install the pier directly under the wall to be lifted or stabilized
You MUST drive the pier all the way to bedrock or stable strata with verifiable “load testing”
You MUST allow the piering contact point to rotate as the house is lifted, otherwise the installation angle of the pier will not be perpendicular to the footing after it is lifted, causing serious stress by bowing the pier.
The development of the patented Stabil-Loc Foundation Piering System has solved the 100-year-old problem of off-set loading. Our patented method of lifting, leveling and stabilizing a foundation is the deepest, strongest method available.
Compare our double walled, heat-tempered extruded, seamless steel, concentric-loaded piering system to any other. You will see almost 1/2″ of steel in the pier walls, driven to bedrock with up to 70,000 lbs. of total force, with the ability to rotate as the house is lifted. Stabil-Loc really is “engineering that makes sense.”
I’d love to have the opportunity to speak with you about our patented piering system today!
~ Steven W. Patton
Founder, Stabil-Loc Piering Systems