The Stabil-Loc Pre-Construction Pier System
The hydraulically driven Stabil-Loc pre-construction pier is installed prior to pouring the foundation in areas of unstable soils. Future settlement of the structure is no longer a concern. The ICC compliant Stabil-Loc pre-construction pier consists of a 30″ long starter segment, 30″ long interlocking segments, terminated by a 100 square inch gusseted top bearing cap.
Fig 1 ~ The recommended spacing is measured and the location of the pier is marked in the footing trench.
Fig 2 ~ The installation machine drives the piers with 82,000 pounds of impact force, resulting in the piers being driven all the way to solid rock, as opposed to relying on the flights of a helical pier to hold the weight of the structure against undisturbed soil only.
Fig 3 ~ The offset interlocking tubes are then cut off evenly. This creates a double steel wall pier all the way from the foundation of the structure to solid rock.
Fig 4 ~ The gusseted top cap is placed on top. In areas of heaving, the segments can be welded together as they are installed to create uplift resistance. This is provided by the skin friction against the shaft of the pier.
The strength of the concrete and the amount of reinforcing steel used, will determine the punch/shear strength of the footing and the amount of weight the piers will hold, up to the ICC tested mechanical capacity of 262,000 lbs. per pier.
Stabil-Loc Foundation Piering System
The revolutionary Stabil-Loc Foundation Piering System is the number one method in the foundation repair industry for providing the homeowner with a permanent foundation repair solution.
Number One
Correct Position
Strongest Support
The pier is hydraulically driven all the way to bedrock or stable strata providing the deepest, strongest foundation support available.